An energetic get calming flow targeting the whole body, with an emphasis on shoulders as we bind in poses to help get into Kurmasana. ?Expect heat generating vinyasas, with emphasis on the core as you strengthen the body in?Down Dogs, Planks, Cobra, Uttanasana, Warriors, Revolved Triangle, ?balancing into Tree, standing Swans with a twist! ?All balanced with a long held Yin Caterpillar pose and relaxation. ?A lot can happen in 34 minutes, come on dive in!
This strong yet calming Yin can be practiced anytime, but works well at night to aid a good night's sleep. ?You will experience a good whole body stretch getting into the deep fascial tissues with poses such as Bananasana, Deer, 1/2 Butterfly, Twisted Roots and Straddle. ?Expect to soften, lengthen and relax!!