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Classes W/C 20th April

I’m also grateful for your continued support during this time, keeping this wee yoga business going. ?There are now a number of?live class that you can choose from and if the times?don’t suit just get in touch as I can share recordings of classes via Zoom. Many of you have requested this already and feedback has been really positive.

Upcoming classes:


  • Yoga Basics (Ashtanga Short Form), 20th April, 9.45-10.55am
  • Yin Yoga, 20th April, 11.15-12pm



  • Slow & Strong Yin Yoga, 22nd April, 8-9pm



If you would like to join us for any of the classes simply download Zoom onto the device you’d use to access a live stream or recording of the desired class. ?Simply book?here?and I’ll send you a link to access.

Classes are by donation?via existing BACS payments (sort code 110921, account no: 00534916) or?PayPal. ?Suggested donations prices can be found on the Online Yoga page.

Looking forward to staying connected in our home practice.

P.S. I’m learning a lot of life lessons from my dog!





Lynne (& Dexter) xx